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Sunday, January 10, 2016

Against All Grain

If you are gluten free and have not tried any recipes from Danielle Walker, you are simply missing out in humongous, ridiculous amounts of taste, nutrition and satisfaction. Do yourself a favor and make her sandwich bread. I have not had good gluten-free bread since going off gluten and that has been more than 3 YEARS! _Without_ Bread_!!!

The whole house smells of warm, cozy homemade bread and I cannot wait to taste it and report back. Hubby and I also spent an entire day making bone broth and from a 4-pound bird, it yielded over 8 cups of stock. Also from Against All Grain and definitely worth the effort.

Talk about God being on my side in this journey, I was looking for the food processor Ms. Walker recommends, and guess what??? WAL-MART, of all places, had ONE model left, ON SALE.

My next undertaking....fermented veg!